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School Improvement Plan

Goal 2: Whole Child, Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals

Focus Area: No Exclusionary Discipline

Spring 2022: 98% of Brigadoon scholars have received no exclusionary discipline

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 99% 

Focus Area: Regular Attendance

Spring 2022: 54% of Adelaide scholars attended school regularly.

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 90% in regular attendance. 

Signature Strategies:

  • Elevate scholar voice and ownership (e.g., Scholar Advisories) by integrating scholars' knowledge, culture, experience, and feedback into school planning, instruction/ projects, assessment, and classroom norms.
  • Provide staff with culturally competent and anti-racist professional development to ensure high expectations of each and every scholar to create a culture of anti-racism, inclusivity, equity, and accountability.

  • Ensure instructional staff receive ongoing, job-embedded professional development for Universal Design for Learning and MTSS that capitalizes and builds upon the learning needs of student-scholars, including academic background, life experiences, culture, and language.

Goal 1: The Early Years, Building the Foundation

Focus Area: ELA SBA

Spring 2022: 46% 

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 63%

Focus Area: Math SBA

Spring 2022: 36% 

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 58%

Signature Strategies:  

  • Design, implement, and monitor a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to adhere and respond to academic and social-emotional needs of students toward mastery of core subjects.

  • Engage in effective two-way communication in multiple languages to eliminate barriers to opportunities (i.e. Student Led Conferences (SLC), translated materials, interpretation at events and listening sessions).

  • Monitor each scholar's progress towards individual learning goals and reading proficiency utilizing a data tool at the classroom, school, and district levels to analyze students' progress through an equity (racial and programmatic), standards, and growth lens to ensure scholars are on grade level in reading and math by the end of 3rd grade.